Salvage And Wreck Removal Claims

Nicolas can boast significant relevant experience in this field including:
Serving at various ranks to Master on ocean going salvage tugs;
Appointed by the British Overseas Development
Agency and Kenyan Government as Salvage
Master for the Kenya Port Authority in Mombasa;
Involved with wreck removal clearance during the Iran/Iraq conflict;
Monitoring salvage operations to support Article 14 claims;
Named on the Lloyd’s Special Casualty Representatives
Panel for 20 years and attended as SCR on several
Attended salvage and wreck removal operations in the Arabian Gulf, Chile, China, Christmas Island, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Vietnam, Singapore and Taiwan.
Specialist advice can be provided on:
Managing tendering processes including drafting ITTs & reviewing technical tender proposals
Reviewing technical aspects of alternate salvage contracts;
Reviewing technical aspects of wreck removal contracts;
Monitoring salvage and wreck removal costs;
Common Law Salvage Claims;
SCOPIC cost disputes; and
Salvors’ negligence claims.